
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Lumen Gentium 38
The council gives a little pep talk as it wraps up an examination of the role of the laity within the Church: Each individual lay(person) must stand before the world as a witness to the resurrection and life of the Lord Jesus and a symbol of the living God. All the laity as a community and each one according to (her or his) ability must nourish the world with spiritual fruits.(Cf. Gal. 5, 12.) They must diffuse in the world that spirit which animates the poor, the meek, the peace makers-whom the Lord in the Gospel proclaimed as blessed.(Cf Mt. 5, 3-9.) In a word, "Christians must be to the world what the soul is to the body."(Epist. ad Diogneum, 6: ed. Funk, I, p. 400. Cfr. S. Io.Chrysostomus, In Matth. Hom. 46 (47) 2: PG 58, 78, de fermento in massa.) Naturally, one could attribute a nice image like this to the "Golden Mouth." Any golden thoughts on this section? Our conservatives readers have been rather silent on this. To poke a bit of fun: too much of the spirit of Vatican II?

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