
Monday, September 25, 2006

Bum Knee Undoes Catholic Channel Kickoff
Rock blogs on the delay in the launch of the Catholic Channel on Sirius Satellite Radio. While I'm sympathetic to an ailing guy recovering from surgery, I confess being perturbed that knee-replacement is going to throw a temporary wrench into the works. Rock and others have blogged about this being a Big Catholic Thing. I don't plan to get Sirius Radio so I can't say I have an investment in it. It wasn't the buzz after weekend Masses, so I can't say either the launch or the delay is a big whoop-de with the Catholics I know. But I have a few thoughts. Radio is a lay endeavor, not a clerical one. If Cardinal Egan wanted to throw an on-switch, can't he just press "enter" from his home computer? If he wanted to welcome listeners, can they just record him on an iPod or something? I don't think you need a healthy knee for that. Cardinal Egan is 74 years old. This enterprise will go on long after he's retired. And it's not like somebody wouldn't have thought of this and launched something like it in the next few to several months anyway. All I know is that I wouldn't think of cancelling a new initiative in my parish if I were home recovering from surgery. You love something, you let it go.

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