
Friday, July 28, 2006

I confess my apathy to commenting on this week's run-of-the-mill internet fodder on things Catholic, especially liturgy. Too much complaining, and frankly, I'm too busy to bother complaining these days. Except perhaps complaining about the complainers. Here's a sample: Conservatives wish liturgical dance would just shrivel up and go away, but they just can't resist giving it blog space. At times, I think criticism has become a security blanket for some Catholics. If they can't dredge up old hurts and wounds, there's nothing worth saying. George Weigel is another case in point. He's harboring hurts from over a decade ago, but Archbishop McCarrick's retirement has floated past him. Oh wait, let's take a pot shot and get my buddy Chaput to dunerwrite it. McCarrick's reply is scooped on dotCommonweal, so if you want to bother with the particulars (if you can follow Weigel, that is) check it out here. A more interesting exchange is when two fairly liberal Catholics go at it over the health of liberal Catholicism. Beliefnet has it. Let me lapse into a bit of complaint here. Three rounds? That's all it's worth? The Catholic blogosphere's St Commentariat has shown it's ability to maintain strength for over 300 rounds on the big blogs. But I do see their point. I've never been able to tempt any conservative into a substantive blow-by-blow discussion in over two years of trying. Shawn Tribe came the closest earlier this summer, but seems to have lost his nerve. So I repeat my challenge to anybody out there who thinks they have something to say on a sustained and focused level. You pick the topic you think I'm blowing hot air about: architecture, liturgical music, liturgical language, whatever. We focus it down to a manageable level: Where to put a tabernacle? or How to employ a liturgical guitar? or Is the Sign of Peace Optional? Then we go point for point in brief exchanges. They can be posted here, on your own web site, or at some neutral location, or any combination of the above. Maybe I'm just tired of parroting the good news/bad news out there. Let's try something more interesting.

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