
Monday, April 17, 2006

On My Bookshelf
Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, which, though a bit slow going at the start, has a deep appeal. The author herself describes it as influenced by Jane Austen and J.R.R. Tolkien (among others). How can you go wrong with that? I found a copy of Richard Ford's The Sportswriter a few weeks ago at Half Price Books. I read the first thirty pages, but I've set it aside for a bit. That book above is a hefty volume and I'll probably need all of four weeks to read it before I return it to the library. I picked up this book today after my wife's allergist appointment: Oceans Of Kansas: A Natural History Of The Western Interior Sea. Naturally, the ID crowd would frown, but the cover is way cool. Anybody for a swim? Thought not.

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