Thursday, April 27, 2006
More On Lagging
I unearthed some information on my diocese's non-compliance regarding chld sexual abuse prevention. My theory was correct that a final child education component was left for the new bishop and his staff.
A friend who sat on a committee in 2005 said they did make a recommendation for a VIRTUS program. But at least one diocesan school official thought some of the material was not age-appropriate for younger children. The final choice wasn't communicated till September, and even at that point, the diocese had yet to order materials. Apparently, when the idea was floated to the parish DRE's that they'd need to schedule a parent night before the end of December, the whole thing was rightly judged a ridiculous rush.
That's why the diocese declined to comply even though they could have insisted parishes work with that timetable. Instead, the VIRTUS choice has been tossed, and a new committee has formed to reexamine available materials.
The administrative bungling doesn't inspire confidence, but I can tell you the new diocesan official in charge of the program seems to mean business.