Monday, April 24, 2006
Looking for Helpers
Getting away from the parish for a few days: I'll be heading to Omaha with some diocesan colleagues next Monday for planning meetings for the FDLC (Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions) Meeting next Fall in Omaha.
Have you ever been to an FDLC meeting? I went once, Pittsburgh in 1990. Usually it's diocesan directors who get to go. That year in Rockford, Illinois, we didn't have a director, so four of us from the diocesan liturgical commission pooled resources (some diocesan, some personal) and attended. It was an eye-opener. And let me just leave it at that.
My suspicion on this meeting in Omaha is that the regional planners are looking for helpers for the convention. They might get that from me, but I'm also hoping to pick up some rumblings from the liturgical establishment. Just today, I've heard two items that might make some St Bloggers sizzle.
First, it appears that the Memorial Acclamation A "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again" will be returned to the latest ICEL translation.
Also, a movement is afoot in American liturgical circles to suggest a "grandfather clause" for hymns and songs not quite in theological compliance with Liturgiam Authenticam, but which have some attachment in popular circles. In other words, all the songs you love to hate won't be banned. Reason given: you won't make as much of a fuss about them as the people who really like them.
If I hear any juicy bits in Nebraska, I'll pass them along. Isn't it cool to know someone in the know?