Saturday, February 25, 2006
Pope Addresses Union: Three Fidelities
Zenit reports. Want to bet that fidelity to profit is not one of them?
1. Fidelity to workers
The person is the "measure of the dignity of work" (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, No. 271). For this reason, the magisterium has always recalled the human dimension of the activity of work and has redirected it to its true aim, without forgetting that the biblical teaching on work culminates in the commandment to rest.
2. Fidelity to democracy
... which alone can guarantee equality and rights to everyone. Indeed, there is a sort of reciprocal dependence between democracy and justice that impels everyone to work responsibly to safeguard each person's rights, especially those of the weak and marginalized.
Fascinating take. Imagine: democracy is an institution dependent on justice and dedicated to the protection of the weak.
3. Fidelity to the Church
It is not by accident that John Paul II addressed these words to you on 1 May 1995: "The Gospel alone renews the ACLI"; they still mark out the principal route for your association, since they encourage you to put the Word of God at the center of your life and to see evangelization as an integral part of your mission.
The brief address was given on the 60th anniversary of the Italian Christian Workers' Associations.