
Friday, February 17, 2006

Papal Reflection on the Hours
Pope Benedict has continued his predecessor's reflections on psalms and biblical canticles begun five years ago. If you're interested in a look back, the Zenit archives have them all. Speaking on the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) the pope says: It is a canticle that reveals the spirituality of the biblical "anawim," namely, of those faithful who acknowledged themselves "poor" not only because of their detachment from all idolatry of wealth and power, but also because of their profound humility of heart, free from the temptation to pride, open to saving divine grace. Later he draws upon St Ambrose: In this wonderful commentary on the Magnificat of St. Ambrose I am always moved by this amazing word: "If, according to the flesh, Christ has only one mother, according to faith all souls engender Christ; each one, in fact, receives in himself the Word of God." Thus the holy doctor, interpreting the words of the Virgin herself, invites us to offer the Lord a dwelling in our souls and in our lives. Not only must we bear him in our hearts, but we must take him to the world, so that we too might engender Christ for our times. Let us pray to the Lord to help us to praise him with Mary's spirit and soul and to take Christ again to our world. These psalm commentaries would be useful for Sunday Mass homily preparation, especially as many popular homily resources ignore the second Scripture citation of the Mass.

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