
Friday, February 17, 2006

Liturgical Abuse!
Cardinal Francis Arinze, head of the curial congregation responsible for liturgy, is not having a good week with neo-orthodox nitpickers. Rock provides this photo of him committing that most heinous of liturgical abuses ... wearing the stole on the outside of the chasuble. This on top of his chilly commentary on widening the use of the Tridentine Missal reported earlier this week on CNS: While some have proposed a wider indult to allow use of the pre-Vatican II Tridentine Mass with fewer restrictions, Cardinal Arinze said he is happy with Pope John Paul II's rules, which require the involvement of the local bishop. "When you speak of wider use for everybody, it raises some questions, which have to be examined more carefully," he said. I'm not about to start a Cardinal Arinze Fan Club, but note that Arinze has moved closer to Roger "no 'e'" Mahony on the St Blog's Spit List of Prelates.

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