
Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday, Beer, and Beef
Rock on "Indult." And no, it's not what you think. Check out his web site--I go daily. His recent posts gently noting various inconsistencies and fumbles on the Catholic Right have him labelled as a "progressive" and a "liberal" in some corners. Tell the truth, I think the progs just know how to keep their head down when the whispers are flying. Plus, the self-styled orthodox seem to have adopted the motto: "He who is not with us is against us." (And pity the poor Eldad and Medad that cross us.) St Patrick's Day falls on a Friday, a Lenten Friday to boot. What do you think? Let them off the hook with permission to down some tradi corned beef? Six years ago I suggested to my then-pastor to give those requesting an "indult" a choice: abstain from meat or alcohol. A nasty smile emerged on his face. I think he's assigned to the Basilica near the Field of Dreams. Maybe Dyersville Catholics will have the Choice. Rock mentions Cardinal Krol resisted the Saturday night Mass till 1983. Philly wasn't on my prog radar in those days, so I never heard of that. But let me shcok the St Blog's world by stating I'm not so sure Saturday night Masses are such a good practice.

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