Monday, January 23, 2006
Update on GS, the Parish, the Usual Suspects
Careful readers will note I haven't kept up a rapid pace with Gaudium et Spes. Hopefully your commentary has been withheld because you're busy getting ready for your parish adult ed on the Vatican II documents. Or we could hope, right? Anyway, I'm not near to giving up--not a third of my way through the output of Vatican II anyway. I'll be posting once or twice a week on GS for the foreseeable future. I'll be happy knowing that while the conservative side of St Blog's often whines about Vatican II being misquoted, misapplied, misunderstood, hijacked by liberals, and all--the truth is: nobody else takes it seriously enough to post on it in a substantial way.
The truth is that starting with GS 11, the document gets serious. It deserves serious thought and reflection and colorizing quotes doesn't do it justice.
Heading into a busy week on both the parish and home front. Parishioners and school faculty have planned to turn the parish on its head with the observance of Catholic Schools Week. For some reason, I now have our six Sunday Masses to organize with massive kid presence. Parents will take the lead on next week's school Mass. Times like this I wish I had a hands-free wireless head set. Someday I'm just going to have to invest in a cell phone service. Think of the call or two I could squeeze in waiting for my window to defrost, my daughter to walk up the hill from school, the dog to do her duty, and so on.
And my new year resolution of limited commentary on other blogs is going swimmingly, don't you think? So much more time to add to my own site.