
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Jesuit Conspiracy Debunked; Conservatives Pout
I confess. In the past, I would have multiple-posted on Mark Mossa's thread taking Richard John Neuhaus to the whippin' shed for a surprisingly dim attempt at conspiracy theory. Neuhaus responds today on his blog: Reacting to the same item in the current issue of First Things, a young man who I am told is a Jesuit scholastic goes on at some length in a widely circulated statement and concludes with: “Father Neuhaus and others need to wake up to the fact that the Society of Jesus is not engaged in some vast conspiracy to undermine the Church.” But of course not. I'm amazed that someone of Neuhaus' intellect can't be more forthright. If Neuhaus is really a scholar, he would've gone to the site, learned his adversary's name, and used it, avoiding affectations such as "who I am told is a Jesuit scholastic." All you have to do is read the site and you don't need anyone to tell you anything else. It's usually a good idea to come up with a better counterargument than: But of course not. So head on over to Mark's and watch him patiently treat the rabid anti-Jesuits that can come up with nothing better than suggestions to suppress the whole order.

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