
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Catholic Schools Week
Our parish-school relations have not always been the best. So some of us are working hard to ensure that Catholic Schools Observance gets off to a good start. I'm grateful for liturgical scheduling on normal weekends, as I left most of the potential slots for kids open to sign-up. I recruited most of the lectors from among students I knew would handle it well. Amazingly, nobody--no one at all--signed up to be a greeter. That's fine; I just didn't schedule any. But it can be something of a headache to flesh out six weekend Masses, especially considering a friend who took it upon herself to recruit lectors and gift people for one Mass. Unbeknownst to her I had already filled those slots. Communication: it works wonders when it works. Any sign of Catholic school students at your parish liturgies this weekend?

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