
Friday, December 30, 2005

More Fallout from Garrison vs the Pope
I'm taking Brigid's good advice and limiting my posts to one* on other people's blog threads, but I'm not above bringing a goodie back here to talk turkey on my own terms.
An open book commenter mused: Todd: If I understand correctly ... you are (a) pro-life liberal Democrats. As such, what have you done to end abortion other than vote for politicians who are devoted wholly to keeping abortion legal? Since 1980 or so without exception every Democratic politician of any consequence has been outspoken in his or her support of abortion and most have been in the pocket of Planned Parenthood. As is well known, pro-lifers were purged from the Democratic party long ago. To me being pro-life and a Democrat is a contradiction in terms. I believe I self-identified as an "anti-abortion liberal." Heaven knows why or how someone would assume that makes me a Democrat. Liam has pointed out (if he had a blog, I could link it) that it was the Republicans who floated the notion of legal abortion in the 60's, probably to pad the coffers of the rich. Even today, the R's are remarkably squishy on the issue, but not squishy enough to lose the Religious All-Right. I do confess I've supported Democrats -- even pro-choice ones -- at the polling booth. I've cast votes for R's, too. After all, you can't have an organization as large as a national political party and not have someone vote-worthy or moral. Even if they mostly are tax-dodging suits with back-pocket scandals waiting to break. Wasn't Abe Lincoln a Republican? I offer this as more evidence of the "Triumph of Personal Experience" mindset that has infected conservatives as liberally as any other ideology. I don't know why someone wouldn't take me at my word when I say I'm an "antiabortion liberal." I'm not alone. I don't protest at abortion clinics mainly because I've given up on the public protest route. I don't protest at military complexes anymore either. That doesn't mean I'm no longer a pacifist.

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