Friday, December 30, 2005
Find the Planets
2006 guide to finding the planets in the sky.
Needless to say, if your backyard telescope is seeing with this detail, invite me over; I'll bring the food, the beer, and a fistful of reference books.
Seriously, let me also suggest a trip to the local astronomy society for you and/or your family. Most amateur astronomers gather regularly with a fleet of telescopes and would be more than happy to welcome newcomers. The Astronomical League has many useful links to assist your locating like-minded amateurs in your area.
Planetary views from the earth will never be as spectacular as these above -- what the probes send us. It is also true that many people find their first use of a telescope disappointing compared to the coffee table books offer. But the connection with people for this hobby (most any hobby, really) is invaluable, especially to the more impressionable among us.