
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Coming Soon
I just wanted to remind you that I'll be back to dissecting Vatican II chapter by chapter next week. On deck is Gaudium et Spes, the second of the council's constitutions on the Church. I don't plan to get sidetracked into the various behind-the-scenes stuff. Other people have done it with more resources than I could muster. And done it well. My intent is to put a thoughtful reflection into the reading of a Vatican II document like any other lay person could. I look at the questions: How does this seem with forty years' experience behind us? How is it relevant for an ordinary lay person? Does it resolve any of the differences within the Church or bring good insight to bear on the situation today? I don't think a hierarchical rendering of the sixteen documents is always a helpful idea. Sure, liturgy, the Bible, ecclesiology, and social justice are all vital to our identity as Christians. But if you're a seminarian or working for a seminary, Optatam Totius and Presbyterorum Ordinis are pretty derned important, too. And if social justice is your thing, who am I to suggest that this document is ahead of your fave? If any readers have thoughtful questions in advance of my postings, feel free to e-mail them to me. I'm glad to offer a platform for your thoughts here, especially if you don't have a blog and you have something constructive to offer. The same holds true for any topic you care to have me pontificate on. Let me also mention that my series on Gaudium et Spes will be simulblogged on Sollicitudo Rei Socialis. Nathan and I have yet to work out the fine details of this, but he's asked me to be a contributing writer to this blog as well. I'm happy to join the cadre of writers for this exploration and discussion of social justice. I'd like to think I have something of a justice sensibility. If so, my toughts on such matters are always colored by faith as well as the considerations of prayer and worship. I'll be contributing two essays each month to SRS. Please visit them, link them, and read, as you will.

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