
Monday, October 17, 2005

From time to time I think about updating the Blog with fancy colors or artwork or other fun stuff. Last week, I was reading an article about blogs somewhere that suggests the lean and simple approach is better. Any excuse not to spend money on the internet, I guess. Neil, what do you think? I updated the blogroll. As I find sites that link to CS, I post a link in kind. If any reader has linked CS, but I have yet to link you, just e-mail me and I'll get to it. I don't know if that's a standard net courtesy, but it seems logical to me. It's been there since the beginning, but I heartily recommend you "see the solar system" on the sidebar over there. You can view planets and moons from over forty vantage points in the solar system. You can also run the simulation forward or back in time about twenty years. Change the field of view, too. A field of view of 30 degrees will give you a sight as if your computer monitor was a window into space. "Play god with planets" is also great fun, especially when you get a feel for adjusting orbits, planet masses, and the like. I learned how to program the starting system to put some planets in orbit around each other. Not every link is in ideological alignment with CS, but I've been a frequent visitor to almost all of them. They're worth a visit, if the conversation around here gets boring.

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