
Monday, September 19, 2005

Adoremus Top Ten
While I was in the neighborhood, checking out the Hitchcock-Trautman tussle, I noted the results of an Adoremus Bulletin reader's survey of top ten Catholic hymns. 1. Holy God We Praise Thy Name 2. Ave Verum Corpus 3. Immaculate Mary 4. Come Holy Ghost 5. Hail Holy Queen, Enthroned Above 6. Jesus Christ Is Risen Today 7. Panis Angelicus 8. Salve Regina 9. Soul of My Savior 10. To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King Numbers two (I was surprised it was this high) and eight are clearly chant. Number seven's most popular setting is not. But it shows that even among conservative pewfolk, Gregorian chant is not foremost in their minds for singing favorites, but comfortably nestled in with metered hymnody.

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