
Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Mars Rover Spirit has reached the top of a hill. Operating well over a year past their planned mission end, each rover continues to explore the surface of Mars. Check out JPL's Mars page to get the latest photos and video, including some movies of dust devils. By the way, ignore those internet and other rumors about Mars appearing as big as a full moon. Mars' closest pass to Earth was two years ago, and being 34 million miles away, it was still visible only as a bright pink star in the sky. If you have a decent six-inch reflector telescope, you might make out a polar ice cap and the dark depressions near the equator. If you don't have such a telescope, check out your local astronomical society, and attend one of their observing nights. Most astronomical people are friendly with hobby newcomers, especially kids. Watching celestial objects is a much finer sight than what you can catch on tv, too.

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