
Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blog Commentary
In yet another stimulating exchange on a blog somewhere, I was again challenged, " .... when I find you commenting on liturgy and leaving people the impression that you are orthodox, I'll call you every time. Because that's the ROOT of the topic and the disagreement as far as I'm concerned. People need to know where you stand as a whole." It shouldn't take much strain to discern my views. I've mentioned a few times, but for the benefit of new readers and occasional visitors ... If you have a suggested topic for me to embarass myself--I mean produce sensible commentary on, just e-mail me at tf1212(at)kc(dot)rr(dot)com, and I'll be happy to cobble together a few sentences. Obviously I prefer topics I know something about (or can make it sound so) such as liturgy, sacraments, or church gossip--I mean church politics. Science is cool, especially astronomy. Music of any kind. Sports. Theatre or cinema. Secular politics on a good day. Food. Parenting, especially adoption (I have a lot of strong opinions on that one). Books, especially good ones. Topics I don't know much about (nor do I care to): Dan Brown, NASCAR, network television, lifestyles of the rich and celebrities, well, you get the idea. If you contact me, either through e-mail or a comment box on this thread, I'll assume it's okay to quote you in part or in whole in a blog post unless you tell me you'd prefer I don't do that. You can be anonymous, or I can reveal your name, address, phone number, and all your credit card numbers and access codes. In about a week, I'd like to begin an examination of the thirty-three sections of the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. Originally, I had planned to look at the decree on Priestly Training, but perhaps it's time to take a break from the heady matters of the ordained. Hopefully, there will be more commentary as we look at the laity. I think I'm going to post occasionally on school liturgy this Fall, as the fit hits me. And we can count on Neil Dhingra to provide one or two posts a week here. When I locate my own access codes for Blogger and send them to him, his commentary may appear in a more timely fashion. If any other person has something sensible to contribute to this blog, e-mail me and I'll consider it. A few of you out there know you have carte blanche to post on CS at any time. Just send me something and I'll post it unedited and in widescreen format. Meanwhile, my lunch hour is now over and I need to get ready for a children's choir practice in about three hours. My director tells me we have over sixty kids signed up this year, excluding most of last year's kids who seem to think they're automatically in (which they are) and the fall volleyball team, which will be gathered in in a few months. Their 2005-06 debut is at the parish picnic Mass in three weeks. I already told our business manager I need a new church by September 10th. Or at least another 500 square feet of music space, minimum. Cheers.

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