
Monday, July 18, 2005

The Cost of Popularity
Being on vacation has been nice. I've seen our new kitchen put together and managed to learn a few things about home repair and carpentry in the bargain. I've gotten in some good reading. Going to play some bridge tomorrow. The Little Moneybags (aka Brittany) has won three of the last four Life or Monopoly tussles. Maybe I can get even in Solarquest, do you think? Since I began my series on Vatican II, blog traffic has been down. In fact, I've been trying to consciously be more constructive and positive. Either the conservatives have given up on CS or they have little to say when unprovoked. I've also been cutting down on my reading and commentary on other blogs the past week, and I find it works. It's given me confirmation that I should take Neil's and other's suggestions more seriously about being less contentious. I'll be returning to Christus Dominus commentary in a few days, and blog posts here for the foreseeable future will be more in the vein of less popular items. Like what Vatican II really is teaching, and things like that. I've found I could manipulate blog traffic rather easily, but I've realized I much prefer more constructive uses of my time. The 800 pound gorillas of St Blog's mostly seem to enjoy being confrontative or encouraging confrontation in their comment boxes--let them continue, I guess. I still have strong opinions that Roman Catholicism would benefit greatly from a renewed progressive approach to liturgy, theology, and all. I certainly won't shy away from arguing in favor of that. I continue to urge those who do visit here to use the comment boxes as they wish. If any readers have suggestions for commentary, simply e-mail me tf1212 (at) kr (dot) rr (dot) com and I will gladly post and reply. I'm most grateful for Neil's continued commentary on a number of issues, and if any tyro bloggers out there want to e-mail me something Catholic and sensible, I'll gladly consider posting it.

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