Friday, July 29, 2005
Cleaning House
I've also been updating the sidebar over there. Check out a few of those sites listed. One new blog is author Chet Raymo's Science Musings. I've dropped in there from time to time, but the past few weeks I've been making more regular visits. If you have any science-plus-artistic tendencies in your blood, you'll enjoy his reflections.
Also, if any bloggers would like to mutually link sites, let me know by e-mail or post on this thread. I suspect there are some bloggers out there linking me for whom I've not returned the courtesy. If so, I'll happily post a link. I don't think mutual congruence of opinion is needful for such things. I don't believe the Orthodoxy Thought Police really care that not every one of our friends and associates are Good Housekeeping-approved in their religious sensibilities.
From time to time, I put out a blanket invitation for blog associates. Neil and Liam know they have a standing invitation to post on CS any time they wish. (I'd give them my blogger codes, but I've forgotten them myself and rely on the automatic stuff that gets you on the site.) People without blogs who have something sensible to write are welcome to send me something, too. I certainly invite anyone to comment, and I especially encourage those who comment infrequently to never. Speak up, if you wish; it's your internet, too. Additionally, if you'd prefer to e-mail me (more or less anonymously) and ask me to post my opinion on something, I would be happy to do that. I know some folks are skittish about broadcasting their identities over the internet, so just explain the level of secrecy you'd prefer, and I will abide by it.