
Thursday, May 19, 2005

On books
1 - Total number of books I've owned

Probably about 3,000, about half of which are still with me. 2 - Last book(s) I bought

Australia, a book of photo essays on the wildlife, geology, and oceans of that country. 3 - Last book I read

Illegal Tender: Gold, Greed, and the Mystery of the Lost 1933 Double Eagle by David Tripp. Probably the best book ever written about a single coin. It reads like fiction, but is a gripping and real life account of ... well ... gold, greed, and mystery. Like the title says. 4 - Five books that mean a lot to me

The Bible (unless you insist on a single book therein, then it would be the Psalms), The Joy of Cooking (I have other cookbooks, but I return to this one most often), The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen (great book for a great retreat), Logical Chess, Move By Move by Irving Chernev (not the most advanced book, and not my favorite chess book, but it taught me how to think at the chessboard and took me from being a casual player into tournament competition), the manual from our Marriage Encounter. 5 - Tag 5 people and have them do this on their blog

One is enough. Lee at From the Back Pew.

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