
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Back To Work
Some people who are both overjoyed and in dismay over the new pope don't get it. The purpose of a pope is not to be the Lamb of God on which the sins of the world are lain. Jesus did that once, for all. The purpose of a pope is to be nothing more than a herald of Christ's message, so that people do the work. The Gospel is lived out and the Reign of God is made manifest not by a single human being, but by the Body of Christ. Each Christian is responsible for this. Not pastors, bishops, or pope. For my liberal friends holding their heads under their pillows in dismay, let me give you a news flash: The sun rose this morning. The poor we still have with us. There's work to be done. So let's get out and do it. For my conservative friends nursing faint hangovers this morning: The sun just came up. You're still liable to be committing the same sins as the rest of us, so you may as well get to work, too. People who are either too happy or too sad may have been seduced by the cult of personality. Christian life is not lived in its earthly leadership. The best leadership sets the tone, sets an example, and nudges people here and there as needed. That is not the message Washington or Hollywood will preach to you; these folks want lemmings--far more malleable than independent thinkers and doers. The Christian message is simple: pick up the cross and follow the Lord. There's no footnote on that command to suggest a particularly good or particularly bad pope will permit slacking.

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