Tuesday, March 08, 2005
On my lifestyle, deacons, remarriage, that other thread, etc.
People ... first, thank you for jacking up the popularity of my blog. I feel like I've opened a book or gone dyspeptic or something. By all means, feel free to be humorous and wry and post sixty, seventy or even a hundred comments per thread, but please try and make this not like I'm providing a near occasion, if you catch my drift.
For the record, my lifestyle is such that I do enjoy intercourse with my wife without much of a chance of progeny--it certainly would have happened by now. I think Leo is not far off target in criticizing the Church's position on sex. I once had a friend who was amazed the Church permitted women to marry after menopause: after all, procreation is out of the medically unassisted picture for them, no?
I doubt I will become a deacon, at least in the near future. Over and over, God has confirmed what I'm doing, especially in the times I wanted to get out of it. Were I to outlive my wife, it is not likely I would take a second wife. If I were a deacon, I doubt I would seek a dispensation; my wife's parents are long dead, and Brittany is getting ready to take over the world. (The only thing I would dread as a single dad is doing all that girl stuff, but that's what friends are for, as they say.