
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Five Questions
1 - If you could take a family vacation for a week, and go anywhere, where would you go and why? If you said a month, I'd say Australia, but since it's only a week, I'll say Winnipeg, Manitoba because I've never been to central Canada, because I'd like to tour the mint, because the city is big enough to keep a family moderately busy for about a week without the feeling you've had to enact tourist triage, and because of the surrounding wilderness of lakes and forests. Close choices would be the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Seattle. 2 - What did you listen to on the way to work this morning? Brittany reviewing counting by tens backward and forward. I gave up the car radio for Lent. 3 - Which musical instrument, that you don't play now, would you most like to learn? Clarinet, because I could play jazz and classical on it. Oboe is a close second. 4 - Name three famous people you would most like to have over for dinner. This is tough. Speaking for the moment, I would say John Adams the composer, Alton Brown from the Food Network, and J.K. Rowling. Ask me next week and I might give a different answer. 5 - What do you like most about the town you live in? It's a perfect size for a city. It has a variety of culture, but it isn't too overwhelming or limiting. My wife and I honeymooned here, so there are fond memories for us as well. Any others willing to be interviewed? Leave a comment, please.

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