Friday, November 05, 2004
A quick tour of St Blog's this week shows me very little has changed. On one web site, a priest called Senators Kerry and Edwards "weasels," and later updated his blog with a joke about it. In Amy's still-contentious comment boxes, though I stated I acceded to Church teaching on homosexual activity, it was too much that I harbored doubts about the situation of people who are clearly born gay or determined to be gay so early in their lives, there is no personal culpability for their sexual orientation. Conformity to the magisterium is insufficient; now alignment with blogosphere groupthink is required. While showering this morning (and a fine, crisp, sunny Kansas City morning it is) I was reflecting on some qualities, both substantial and trivial, that would keep up my spirits in the confirmation of conservative culture in the US.
Conformity: still not required. Call it an achilles' heel, if you will, but I didn't think much of conformity in high school when it meant wearing denim, not going to Sunday Mass, liberally using the f-word, and the other stuff. I don't think much of it now when St Bloggers get into nuclear arguments about absolute congruency of thought on moral issues, not to mention rage, golden gild on vestments and ostensoria, and other fussy trivia. I navigated against the current when I was a kid, and in my whole life since. I haven't gotten totally lost in thirty-five years. I'm going to keep the faith and steer by my own stars, thank you.
Calm. This is a quality I've tried to cultivate actively for about fifteen years now. I've avoided reading the paper and internet news sites much the past three days. I still don't know who won Iowa, though I'm curious. I caught a whiff of Republican factionalism because Senator Specter is moving for the judiciary committee or something. Heck, if he's good enough for the president and Rick Santorum, why should I object? I calmly fold my hands, a small smile on my face, and with eyes closed, imagine the fur flying. Only two days after Wictory? This could be a very entertaining four years. But I think the calm and serene person will be able to appreciate it more.
Concession. Not a quality, really, but a useful attitude to have. Conservative candidates didn't landslide their way in, but there was a substantial and unmistakeable wave about them. I say fine. The people decided (power to the people, remember?) and that's the way it should be. There are times to be an activist and an agitator, and there are times to work quietly and tenaciously for what one believes in. While I still believe that progress is better for our society, and the US has a lot of ways to improve ourselves, the people aren't ready just now. I concede for this year, and keep calm.
Charity. Always a virtue. Clearly a struggle for some. Calling defeated candidates "weasels" shows something of the measure of a person (something counted in millimeters, instead of miles, I suspect). Being gracious in victory is never costly in competition. Being a competitor (and a long-time fan of underdogs) I appreciate the wisdom in avoiding crude and cruel expressions.
Comment boxes have been rather slow the past few days. Nothing to share?