
Sunday, October 24, 2004

Unable to give credit... This quote from John Allen online: "The American model of the parish as a ministerial beehive, with youth ministries, Bible study groups, RCIA programs, Marriage Encounter, and so on, is striking in comparison. Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles tells the story of a meeting with John Paul II on one of his ad limina visits, when Mahony asked the pope why he favored the new movements. John Paul responded that in Europe, parishes too often don't evangelize effectively, especially with the young, while the movements do. The pope went on to say that he believed the United States was among a handful of countries where the vision of the Second Vatican Council for parish life was fully realized." Started a tasty discussion on Amy's blog here: http://amywelborn.typepad.com/openbook/2004/10/word_from_rome_3.html. The essence (correct me if I'm wrong) is that this story infuriates some Catholics who steadfastly refuse to acknowledge the good fruits of Vatican II listed above. Is there any doubt we're better off having liturgical readings in the vernacular, Marriage Encounter, Cursillo and its offshoots, youth ministries, Bible studies, etc.? Is there any doubt these were indeed the fruits of Vatican II, and not Trent? The inability to acknowledge one's opponents' good traits would be a fatal strategic flaw in a contest of any kind. But among brothers and sisters in Christ, it is simply an act of unfaithfulness.

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