Monday, October 18, 2004
Something of a manifesto
Over the past week or month, I have gotten into a few stirring discussions on other blogs about what I think are side issues of today's Catholic world. The most recent tussle is over presidential candidate Kerry's latest appearance at Mass. Clearly, it is not enough for me to find Kerry's political positions lacking in light of his professed faith as a Roman Catholic. The so-called "orthodox" majority of St Blog's expects me to take a number to march lockstep with their own findings. But I find it difficult to see what purpose is served by calling the pastor of this parish "heretical." Does it further the pro-life effort? Are people being persuaded? More likely, they look at the cloddish opinions of anti-abortion Catholics and remain confirmed in their belief they inhabit a far more civilized nook in the Modern World. Everybody stands pat and it's another bad day for metanoia.
Lest my W-leaning friends think I'm picking on them, let me clue you in on some personal history. I've always been this way. When I was a member of a very progressive Catholic parish in the 80's, I was frequently a thorn for some peoples' ribcages. While I agreed with anti-nuclear, pro-Sanctuary, and other popular opinions, I also tweaked consciences by suggesting the parish wasn't spiritual enough, we had lost touch with our roots of reform, we were hypocritical in our approach to inclusive language and multicultural liturgy ... to name a few issues. I wasn't at ease with conformity then, and since I generally need to be on better behavior as a pastoral minister in my real life, I certainly don't feel I can comply with every particular of what serves as the Gospel of St Blog's.
I do welcome the daily challenges to my beliefs. I think (or at least I hope) I've become a better Catholic by my exposure to years of honesty I doubt I would ever find in real face-to-face life in a parish. But I'm not going to turn in my gadfly's wings, not as long as the discussions remain so vibrant.