
Friday, June 25, 2004

Wild Texts Chase John Allen’s wildly successful The Word From Rome seems to have inspired similar internet endeavors. Liturgy prof Edward McNamara answers a weekly question on ZENIT (scroll down for the liturgy feature). Lavinia Byrne of The Tablet now writes monthly for web surfers here. This month, Sr Byrne describes her "Wild Texts Chase," an attempt to hunt down the (in)famous Roman Missal II English translation that was deep-sixed by the curia a few years ago. Pointing out the wide (not wild) availability of the new Ordo Missae thanks to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, one of Byrne’s readers asked if the unseen ICEL translation of the second edition Roman Missal was anywhere to be found. Lots of stories on traditionalist web pages, Sr Byrne reports, but nothing beyond select quotes impaled on conservative swords – I mean pens. Any readers aware of internet copies of this? Anybody willing to post their working draft online? If you want to contact me with a link, I'll post it. And if you actually can download a full copy to me, I promise I'll upgrade my web site so as to publish a link here.

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