
Sunday, May 23, 2004

Taxes The one thing missing in the abortion/excommunication of abortion providers/excommunication of political supporters of abortion providers/excommunication of voters for political supporters of abortion providers debate. Some of my St Blog's friends are buying banners and popcorn in anticipation of the upcoming debates on excommunication. (I'll admit it will be somewhat fun to watch the fur fly, but is that in itself really a pro-life issue?) Does the cute lil' CINO moniker now also apply to "so-called" pro-life Catholics who willingly pay taxes to support a government that supports abortion providers? I'd really like to know. Is this the next step for excommunication advocates: tax resistance? If so, I would applaud your consistent approach. It might make for a very comely seamless garment indeed. On the other hand, the whole strategy might be unravelling before the tailor is finished. Only 5 1/2 more months. God, in your mercy, deliver us.

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