
Sunday, May 09, 2004

If only I could vote out pro-life leaders I mean, of course, leaders of the movement who seem happy, if not gleefully satisfied, with sniping at supporters and sympathizers. One esteemed group spends a wad of money not on John Kerry, but on bishops who do not attack him strongly enough. The wisdom of this not only escapes me, but has left the gravitational pull of the earth and is now speeding past the orbit of Saturn. Then I notice a Disputations thread getting 83 posts largely centered around an argument of someone being insulted by being compared (unfavorably) to Ono Ekeh. I'd better watch out, I guess. I've never submitted a proposal at my neighborhood honeowner's association against abortion. Does that mean I'm the next target? I can see my face plastered on posters at my parish now with the headline: This Guy Works For You, But He Favors Abortion Rights By Not Toeing Our Party Line And Not Submitting Any Pro-Life Legislation In His Lifetime. Should I be afraid of Deal Hudson or not? I suppose his success at outing a minor USCCB bureaucrat has emboldened the cause. I get it now. Mr Ekeh was just a warm-up for the targeting of bishops. Shoot, and I thought politicians made such juicy targets. Although I know it's hard to get a life when a vital issue of our time confronts us and our seeming impotence, here's some suggestions: - Get a life. - Pray more than you're used to. - Cultivate some compassion for real people. - Cultivate a healthy distrust of authority, even within the movement. - Call a ceasefire on this snipey crap. Abortion Rights advocates aren't scared, really. They go to bed at night laughing that a Catholic cardinal is taking a PR bullet for them.

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