
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Splitting up the Fraction Rite I missed it in my first reading of RS. But the document does indeed state that wine should be poured into various chalices before the Eucharistic Prayer, and not at the Fraction Rite as nearly every parish does. Some thoughts: - This is a "gotcha" to ensure that every non-Tridentine parish is guilty of some liturgical abuse. - The new IGRM, as far as I can tell, actually makes no reference to the pouring of the Blessed Sacrament during the Lamb of God. Gotcha, I guess. - It reveals a lack of practice in distributing Communion by the framers of the document. Gotcha back. - With a good lip on the main container, there's virtually zero danger of spillage doing it as Americans have done the past thirtysomething years. But I think a handful of chalices on the altar might be in danger from tipping just standing there for ten to twelve minutes until they are taken to Communion stations. I suspect the USCCB will petition the CDWS soon and receive permission to maintain the practice as it has been. Combine eye-rolling bishops, sensible pastors, and Roman practicality and simplicity, I predict that this past weekend's scrupulous pastors may have an opportunity to revert to prior practice. Another ten thousand parishes spared the indignity of having to spray a big red "L" on their front doors.

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