Friday, December 26, 2003
Music of the Day
Not really music so much as Richard Wilbur's text, " A Stable Lamp Is Lighted," one of my all-time faves.
I set it to music a few weeks ago, but I have a faint suspicion it is too much like Joncas' early 80's setting, which I have liked. I've seen choral settings of this text, but nothing that grabs me.
Because the text is still under copyright, I will not type it here. You can find it in a few GIA hymnals. The original is in Wilbur's collection Advice to a Prophet, Harcourt & Brace, publishers, I believe. Check the book out from your local library. Tell them my 12th grade English teacher and I sent you. (I did a paper on Wilbur for Advanced Placement English.)
Anyway, my ensemble and pick-up schola each did very simple arrangements of my setting. If and when I figure out audioblog, I may play it. You'll probably have to wait till next Christmas, though.