
Monday, November 10, 2003

Peace, all. My church schedule has rearranged me this week. I'm home today, trying to catch up on things. My pastor requested I make a tape of how I play the First Reconciliation songs, as last year the second graders were a little unsure of me after they had practiced with their teacher. My wife commented how nice it is when I play the piano at home: the whole house fills up with warmth (or some such mush). I had to laugh because somehow, I don't think of Jack Miffleton or Christopher Walker as being very generative of the home-and-hearth gig. Inevitably, someone out there (c'mon, admit it) is wondering why on earth I'm putting up with twenty and thirty-year-old catechetical music for liturgy. And I have no excuses. Other than I'm about four steps down the chain of command on this particular puppy. I guess the only recourse I have it to alter the accompaniment to make it interesting. Which of course is why they want me to tape it. There's a good reason why I've always worked for somebody. I'd be terrible at freelancing. Look at the time. My daughter will be home from school within the half-hour and my writing project for a new publisher is still just 1/4 done -- just like when I went to bed last night. And where has the day gone?

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